The Men’s Ministry of Edmond's First is a very active group of guys! We have many opportunities for men to gather for prayer, Bible study, and fellowship. Men, as spiritual leaders of our families, we should be actively engaged in being discipled, discipling others, and sharing the love of Jesus with the world. Below are some great opportunities for men to be involved:

Mike Morris
405-826-3116 mobile


Saturday, Sept 7 | 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM | Fellowship Hall
This is a great time to meet with other dads to pray, fellowship, and learn what it means to be a dad from our heavenly father.


Wednesdays | 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM | Room 109
We are studying "Lead Like Christ: Reflecting the Qualities and Character of Christ in Your Ministry" by A.W. Tozer. Is your leadership style the same as those who aren't Christians? Let Tozer show you a more excellent way! Drawing from sermons based on Paul's letter to Titus, this practical collection encourages you to model your behavior on Jesus' humble approach as you seek to create the relationships, loyalty, and cohesion you need to lead well.


Tuesdays | 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM | Fellowship Hall
Meet with men from Edmond's First and the community each Tuesday morning for coffee and donuts. We are currently doing a study entitled, "The Importance of a Personal Testimony". We are looking at Biblical models for a personal testimony and applying these models to our daily lives as men of God. Our goals as we meet are to encourage and disciple men to be followers of Christ, lift up those around us in need of prayer, and to pray for revival. Enter on the east side of campus under the covered entry.


Tuesday | 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM | Fellowship Hall
On the FIRST TUESDAY of each month, the men of Edmond's First have a BIG BREAKFAST with bacon, scrambled eggs, biscuits, gravy, milk, orange juice, and coffee for only $2.00 per person. After breakfast, we will hear an inspiring message. All men are invited to come and bring a friend!


Thursdays | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | Church Office
Every era of the church needs revival, certainly today as much as ever.  In the heart of every committed Christian there is a longing for revival. Brothers, if we want to do God’s Work, in God’s way, in God’s time, with God’s power, in order to have God’s blessings, we must first be men in prayer for Revival! Meet in the Light Tower. Enter from the 33rd Street (north) side at the "Office" doors.


Sundays | 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM | Room 110
Meet every Sunday for an open prayer time for men.


Wednesdays | 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM | Room 228
re:generation is a Biblically-based 12-step recovery program. By working through these biblical steps within an authentic community, people have found freedom from many personal struggles. Everyone struggles with something. But no matter your struggle, there is hope for you.


Wednesdays | 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM | Room 228
Purchase the 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible book online from Emmaus Road.


Sundays | 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM | Room 108
Open to men and young boys, 6th grade and older, over a one-year period, the Emmaus Road Institute will help fulfill Edmond’s First mission of connecting people to "His Word". We will utilize different curriculum to provide classes to cover all different aspects of theology, beginning with fundamental beliefs for Baptists, Baptist Faith and Message, and moving on to fundamental theology in a Theology 101 class.

Just as Jesus taught His disciples on the road to Emmaus about Himself, Edmond’s First is looking to come alongside those seeking to know more about God, also known as theology, and to know it correctly as is written in God’s Word, the Holy Bible. When we love God more, we obey God, and as we obey Him, we bring Him glory.

If you are interested in knowing your God and knowing Him more fully, plan to join us on Sundays in 2024 beginning February 11 through December.

  • What is The Emmaus Road Institute?
    The Emmaus Road Institute is looking to help fulfill Edmond’s First Baptist Church’s mission of connecting men to God’s Word. We want people to know God and know Him more fully. In knowing God more we love God more. When we love God more we obey God, and as we obey Him, we bring Him glory.
  • Why the Emmaus Road Institute?
    A growing number of self-professing evangelical Christians are incorrect in their beliefs concerning their knowledge of God, that their theology is lacking. This is very dangerous for the individuals and the church as it leads to heretical teachings and beliefs, leading many to destruction instead of salvation.

    In a survey (thestateoftheology.com) taken in 2022, those identifying as evangelical Christians were asked if “God learns and adapts to different circumstances.” 48% of evangelicals stated that God does learn and adapt to different circumstances. The Bible states in Malachi 3:6a,“For I the LORD do not change therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.” The Bible further states in James 1:17,“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”

    They were also asked if “Jesus was a great teacher, but he was not God.” 43% of evangelicals agree. The Bible states in John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” Jesus himself makes the claim in John 8:58“Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”

    It limits men in being able to effectively lead their wives and children or to be properly able to serve and teach in their churches! This can not be left unattended to and must be addressed.

    Just as Jesus taught His disciples on the road to Emmaus about Himself, Edmond’s First Baptist Church is looking to come along side those seeking to know more about God, also known as theology, and to know it correctly as is written in God’s word, the Holy Bible.
  • What Courses Will I Take
    We have broken the planned path for the Emmaus Road Institute into three levels, with each level taking about a year to complete. We believe that these classes can be a solid foundation for new and mature believers alike. Below is a brief outline of each level:

    Level 1 - “Foundations”
    + Foundational Bible Knowledge, What Baptists Believe, Discipleship, and Evangelism.

    Level 2 - “Advanced Discipleship”
    + Survey on Old and New Testaments, Church History, Biblical Theology.

    Level 3 - “Advanced Leadership Development”
    + Pre-seminary courses design for those looking to go deeper in understanding and expanding their leadership abilities.
  • What is Required for a Course?
    A desire to know more about God, the discipline to keep up with the readings, participate in class and study materials and the humility to learn and be challenged in what you know and think you know.
  • What is the Cost?
    The only cost will be for the books/learning materials. This will be around $25-30 per class. The books being utilized will be great reference materials for continued study and therefore a great addition to any home library.
  • Do You Have to be a Member of Edmonds First?
    You do not have to be a member of EFBC, but must be a professing believer who has been baptized into (and is a member of) a likeminded Protestant denomination that holds to the reformed profession of salvation by Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ Alone, as revealed by Scripture alone, to the Glory of God Alone.
  • How Do I Sign Up?
    When registration opens, you can register online here.
  • What ages may attend?
    Open to all ages, 6th grade and older. Dads may also bring sons.

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