Edmond's First Staff


“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of His glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.”
Jude‬ ‭1:24-25‬


Ashton was born and raised in Heavener, Oklahoma. Ashton grew up attending church as a child, but stopped going when he got into middle school. Ashton thought because of the fact that he was raised in church meant he was a Christian. This false understanding of salvation led to many years of fear and misery in his life. Ashton’s freshman year of high school he attended a youth worship service at First Baptist Church Heavener. That night after hearing the Gospel, Ashton repented of his sin and by faith trusted in Jesus alone for salvation. He was baptized the following Sunday and began living for Christ.

Ashton’s junior year he met his wife Jaxi and they began dating. They both went on a mission trip to Nashville, Tennessee where God called Ashton into pastoral ministry. Ashton made this call public the following Sunday at FBC Heavener. After graduating, Ashton was hired as the student pastor at First Baptist Church Heavener. He and Jaxi got married June 16, 2018, and together they served three years at First Baptist Church Heavener. God then called Ashton and Jaxi to Edmond's First and they have been serving here since March 2019.

In their time here at Edmond's First God has richly blessed not only their ministry, but also their family. Ashton and Jaxi have three children, Asher, Colibri, and Lottie. Ashton’s greatest passions are to preach and teach the Bible, disciple others, and to love and lead God’s people. In his free time Ashton loves spending time with his family, friends, and church family. He enjoys studying the Bible, watching OU football, eating good food, and staying active.

Ashton has an undergraduate degree from the University of Arkansas and a Master of Theological Studies from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Ashton’s favorite authors include Puritan authors: Thomas Watson, John Owen, Richard Sibbes, John Flavel, and others. Ashton also enjoys other authors like Charles Spurgeon, C.S. Lewis, A.W. Tozer, Leonard Ravenhill, E.M. Bounds, Ed Lutzer, J.I. Packer, John Stott, John Piper, and John MacArthur.

As the Executive Spiritual Formations Pastor, Ashton will oversee the Spiritual Formations team and assist the age-range pastors and directors in implementing the church’s vision through our Connection Groups.