Sunday Morning Worship Services
Join us Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM blended and 11:00 AM modern Worship Services. Connection Groups (small groups) meet at 8:15 AM, 9:30 AM, and 11:00 AM. Visit a Welcome Center in the Main Foyer on Sunday mornings for more information and to get connected.
NOTE: While the Worship Center is under renovation, we will be meeting in Fellowship Hall and online options will continue as well.
Available online at Edmond's First Baptist Church @edmondsfirst on FACEBOOK and at LIVESTREAM
We stand on the threshold of an extraordinary journey through one of the most transformative teachings of Jesus: the Sermon on the Mount. In these groundbreaking chapters from the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 5-7), Christ unveils the heart of God, calling us into a radical way of living that reflects the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
Through this sermon series we will hear an invitation to see our world through God's eyes - where the poor in spirit, the meek, and the peacemakers are blessed with the fullness of God’s grace. This is not mere moral teaching; it is a revelation of God’s revolutionary Kingdom values.